A job that pays the bills. Food on the table. A place to call home.
For most of us, we have what we need. We may experience a few bumps here and there, but overall, our lives are on track. But when life is going well for us and our family and friends, our perceptions can skew and we can lose sight of how life’s bumps and detours can have lasting, ripple effects for those already struggling.
Nationally, nearly 12% of youth ages 16 to 25 aren’t in school or working. Here in our region, more than 1.4 million individuals fight to make ends meet while earning less than $24,280, or 200% of the poverty threshold. And 750,000 of our neighbors don’t know where their next meal will come from.
With stats like that, there’s a good chance you know someone who could use a little help when life goes beyond their control. That’s why United Way fights for every person in every community. We all deserve the chance to thrive and build a successful life. And when you join our fight, you give real people, right in your neighborhood, a chance to do just that.
Want to learn more? Explore how our United Way bridges the gap to change lives right here in our communities. Ready to dig even deeper? Answer a few questions about your journey in life and we’ll match you up with stories of people whose lives have taken similar paths.
Sometimes life goes a little beyond our control. With your help, United Way is there with a hand up to keep life on track.