Dear Friends,
The Summit will bring together some of the greatest minds in our country to discuss pathways and solutions for ending poverty and expanding opportunity in our region. Throughout the day, you will get to engage with our speakers, our staff, community leaders, and each other. Our goal is to foster conversation and interactions to inspire and provide insight into how we all can be more effective in our poverty-fighting mission. No matter who you are, and no matter your background, the OpportUNITY Summit will have something for you. Individuals from nonprofits and other socially-focused sectors can come to find inspiration to continue their important work. Business leaders and philanthropic investors can come to gain knowledge to continue to affect positive change for their employees and industries. And thought leaders, academics, and civic leaders can come to find tools and pathways to create innovative solutions to break the cycle of poverty and expand opportunity throughout our region. I always find it immeasurably helpful to see how other people solve problems. I’m eager to hear from the speakers, as well as the audience, as we share insights, perspectives, and challenges together. It’s been my experience that, sometimes, a change in perspective is all it takes to see the most obvious of solutions. I’m also excited to see what new partnerships and coalitions will be formed as a result of this gathering. Time is running out to register for this incredibly meaningful event. In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”Join us on Friday, April 22, and be a part of the solution. Register for the OpportUNITY Summit today. I can’t wait to see you there. Sincerely, John Salveson Board Chair
Follow along with our year-long #StrongerTogetherSeries as we feature insights and personal stories of the very people and bodies of work that have made us 100-years strong. |