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10 Things We Couldn’t Have Done Without You in 2022

What an impactful year!

As the year comes to an end, we are reflecting upon the memorable highlights and measurable impact of our work in 2022—all made possible because of your support. Thank you for standing #PhillySJUnited in our mission to end poverty and expand opportunity for all. 

Here’s a look back at some of our favorite highlights from 2022:

10. A Century of Service

2022 marked our centennial year! 100 years of making a difference in the community, all thanks to donors like you.

9. Committed to Change

Our Community Champions and Sustainers Circle donors reaffirmed their commitment to United Way by increasing their charitable gifts in honor of our 100th year.

8. Making Connections

We hosted the inaugural OpportUNITY Summit, a day of connection and conversation that left us inspired and charged in our fight against poverty. Additionally, Social Venture Partners, Philadelphia (powered by United Way), which connects Partners and Investees with time, treasure, and talent, welcomed Abolitionist Law Center, Why Not Prosper, and Collective Climb to its investment cycle.

7. Supporting Families

We introduced a new Emergency Savings Match pilot program to support nearly 600 low-income families over the course of three years with a 4:1 savings match –helping people and families weather financial storms like an unexpected car repair or medical bill. And helping them progress toward long-term financial health.

6. Growing Leadership

We welcomed Andrea Anderson, PhD., chief knowledge officer, Mary Shaffer, chief development officer, and Kelly Woodland, managing director of leadership equity. Each bring expertise and diversity in perspective to our leadership team.

5. Receiving Recognition

Philadelphia Magazine listed Bill Golderer, president and CEO of United Way, and Mike Banks, executive director of The Promise, as two of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Philadelphia. Golderer was also listed at the top of City & State Magazine’s PA Nonprofit Power 100.

4. Fulfilling The Promise

The Promise and its partners did incredible work. Its Family Stability Challenge helped 53,000+ households access $52.3 million in benefits and services. And the Jobs and Opportunity Challenge launched a series of 30 record-clearing clinics in 30 weeks to remove barriers to employment.

3. Our DEI Commitment

Strides continue to be made in our commitment to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. We instituted a deliberate shift to engage residents in the design, implementation, and evaluation of our work.

2. Investing in Communities

In partnership with the City and in response to growing concerns around gun violence, we introduced a new Violence Prevention option to the 211 Hotline, providing nearly 100k residents with access to programs and resources.

1. YOU!

YOU are the key to helping us fulfill our mission. Thank you to our partners, donors, and stakeholders for standing #PhillySJUnited. Your generosity fuels our impact and great things happen when we work together. 

We look back with pride while recognizing that more work needs to be done. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year for all – with renewed focus and determination. 

P.S. If you haven’t done so already, please consider making a tax-deductible year-end gift before December 31. Your generosity fuels our work and the vital services provided by our Community Partners.

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