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Look Inside the FY22 Impact Report

Our FY22 Annual Report is here!

And what a great year it was.

United For Good stands as a testament to the positive change that can happen in a year’s time.

Under the structure of our initiative-forward approach, we invested nearly $21 million back into the community during the 2022 fiscal year. Because of your support, these initiatives helped more children read at grade level, more people grow their financial assets, and more families increase their economic stability.

Highlights from the report include:

  • A Letter from Leadership: Learn what President and CEO Bill Golderer and Board Chair John Salveson are most energized by.
  • Stories of Triumph: Read the journeys of people and families from the Greater Philadelphia region who achieved great things and upward economic mobility—with the support of United Way-powered initiatives.
  • Points of Progress and Purpose: Throughout the report are anecdotal pieces of information that highlight our successes and what drives our mission toward ending poverty and creating opportunities for all.
  • Collective Impact: This report is about you as much as it is about us. Behind every accolade and accomplishment is YOU. Thank you for your generosity commitment and commitment to advancing our region.

2022 Impact Report

Your support helps us pilot, evaluate, and scale initiatives that drive meaningful and measurable change to address our community’s most critical needs—needs like digital equity, safety, employment access, and more.

From our corporate, civic, and nonprofit partners to our first- and long-time supporters, each of you helped families across Greater Philadelphia achieve a more stable footing for the future.

Our impact would not be as great without you. Thank you!

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